Adult Beginning Corde Lisse
This class is designed for adult students who have a background and foundation in silks and would like to transition into learning rope work. This 4 week session cover the basics climbs and skills unique to corde. Students should be comfortable and at ease on the silks, and be able to navigate in and out of their s-wrap with ease before signing up for this course.
4 weeks No Class December 23rd, 30th
Mondays @ 5:45pm beginning December 9th Sign up!
Adult Peformance level Lyra
This class is an invite only class for lyra students dedicated to learning and honing in their skills as aerialists. Class will focus primarily on dynamics, performance qualities, and smooth an unique transitions in the hoop.
8 week session. No Class December 25th, January 1st
Wednesdays @ 5:45pm beginning December 18th- Sign up!
Adult Continuing Hammock
This class is designed for adult students who have worked through all three beginning level courses of hammock, and are ready to work more dynamic and strength based skills. We will work on developing strength and flexibility in the hammock, as well as developing clean technique and form. Pre-requisites include front splits, pull up-pullover, and flair straddle ups.
8 weeks No Class December 28th
Saturdays @ 12pm Beginning December 21st- Sign up!
Adult Continuing Silks
This class is designed for adult students who have learned how to climb in multiple styles, invert, tie both variations of foot locks, and are comfortable with their hip key. We will continue to build strength and comfort on the silks as we work towards developing clean technique and form, as well as learning how to transition through sequences of movement in the air.
8 weeks, No Class December 25th, January 1st
Wednesdays @ 5:45pm Beginning December 18th - Sign up!
Adult Continuing II Silks
Adult Continuing II Silks is an invite only designed for adults who have been training in aerials for multiple sessions, and feel comfortable with multiple belay entrances, hip key skills, catchers, and s-wrap skills. Aerialist should have clean technique, and endurance to stay in the silks for up to 3 minutes. This is a challenging class in which focus will be on developing unique pathways of movement and building on transitions and sequences within aerial movement.
8 weeks, No Class December 25th, January 1st
Wednesdays @ 5:45 Beginning December 18th Sign Up!
Adult Continuing III Silks
Adult Continuing III Silks is an invite only designed for adults who have been training in aerials for multiple sessions, and feel comfortable with multiple belay entrances, hip key skills, catchers, and s-wrap skills. Aerialist should have clean technique, and endurance to stay in the silks for up to 3 minutes. This is a challenging class in which focus will be on developing unique pathways of movement and building on transitions and sequences within aerial movement.
8 weeks. No Class December 24th, December 31st
Tuesdays @ 7pm Beginning December 10th- Sign Up!
Tuesdays @ 10:00am Beginning February 25th- Sign Up!
Adult Advanced Level Silks
This class is designed for our most serious silks students. We will work intensively on building strength and flexibility for performance quality aerial arts. Students will work to clean up many s-wrap skills, explore unique pathways and climbs, begin more dynamic movement patterns, and work on stacked and coordination style drops.
Aerialists at this level should have the following strength/ flexibility requirements:
ability to do 3 pull ups, full splits in at least 1 direction, ability to remain moving on the silks for at least 3 minutes, straight arm, straight leg straddle inversions, straight leg leg lifts
Aerialists should have the following skills:
3 methods for entering into belay, 4 methods for entering x-back, front balance, 4 methods for entering hip key, single star, double star
Understanding and ability in the following climbs: russian, traditional, sous-sous, fancy russian, twisting russian, opposite side straddle, same side straddle
8 weeks, NO Class December 26th
Thursdays @ 7:00pm Beginning December 19th- Sign Up!