New Session Starts TODAY!
Hello everyone! We hope you had an awesome Thanksgiving break! Wanted to remind you all that our new session starts TODAY for all adult beginner and beginner II courses, as well as a new class starting for ages 6-8!
Not sure what to sign up for? Here’s a helpful guide:
Brand new students:
Adult Beginning Silks, adult beginning hammock, or adult beginning lyra
Students with some experience:
Adult Beginning Silk II (you should know how to climb the silk, and tie a single foot lock!), Adult Beginning Hammock II (anyone who has completed either the hammock or silks beginning class should be able to find success here!)
Youth ages 6-8 Beginning class starts TODAY!!
This class is designed for youth ages 6-8, and is for absolute beginners! We incorporate a little more creative movement and playful expression in this class, as well as a substantial amount of time learning skills and progressions. We aim to build building strength and coordination through movement on the silks, and foster a joy in movement and creativity.
We are offering a 3 day youth winter intensive over the winter break! This winter intensive will incorporate dance, lyra, hammock and silks in this fun, challenging, and engaging intensive! We hope to see you there!
Have a great week,